Periodically we’ll inspect for wear, cracks and damage to critical components such as bearings, bull gear and pinion, conrods and crossheads. We’ll check the condition of your seals and other rubber goods and look for oil contamination. We’ll inspect your frame and ensure your pump is set up as per the manufacturer’s recommended tolerances, providing feedback and detailed reporting.
Where overhaul is required we’ll take care of complete disassembly, cleaning and NDT. Repairs will be made to machined components as necessary. Bearings, seals and other components will be replaced in line with our inspections. Motors will be overhauled, lube systems serviced and pulsation dampeners recertified. We’ll also check your fluid ends are in spec and can repair or replace. Your pump is then fully reassembled and commissioned.
We can do all of this on site or you can ship your crankshaft to a Potentsialoil location for workshop overhaul. Either way, we’ll work closely with your rig crew and provide first class start up support.